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Wondering about your seller reputation on Stuvia? Here’s how it works:
Wondering about your seller reputation on Stuvia? Here’s how it works:
Melle van Asbeck avatar
Written by Melle van Asbeck
Updated over 2 months ago

When you sell documents on Stuvia, you earn a reputation based on the number of items sold and the reviews you’ve received. Reputation levels are as follows:

- Bronze (score 25 to 99)

- Silver (score 100 to 999)

- Gold (score 1000 or higher)

If you're logged into your Stuvia account, scroll down to the left-hand side to view your reputation overview. This list includes:

- Paid sales

- Three-star ratings

- Four-star ratings

- Five-star ratings

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to our support team. You can contact us by emailing or by sending a message via live chat, which you’ll find in the bottom-right corner of your screen.

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