A complete Stuvia profile helps students understand who you are and the type of summaries you offer. Here’s how to optimize your seller profile:
1. Add a Name and Description
Share your name or a creative profile name.
Include details about yourself—what you study, the courses you create summaries for, and your academic background.
2. Update Your Profile Picture
If you log in via Facebook or Google, your profile picture will be used automatically.
Want to change it? No problem! Use these steps:
Log in to your Stuvia profile.
Go to Settings.
Click “Add Profile Picture.”
Select a file to upload.
Pro Tip:
If you have a personal logo or represent a company, use your logo to make your profile stand out!
3. Add Study Details
Include your country, institution, course, and year of study. These details make it easier for other students to find and trust your profile.
By following these steps, you’ll create a professional and appealing seller profile that attracts more buyers!