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How Do I Make My Stuvia Seller Profile as Complete as Possible?
How Do I Make My Stuvia Seller Profile as Complete as Possible?
Updated over a month ago

A complete Stuvia profile helps students understand who you are and the type of summaries you offer. Here’s how to optimize your seller profile:

1. Add a Name and Description

  • Share your name or a creative profile name.

  • Include details about yourself—what you study, the courses you create summaries for, and your academic background.

2. Update Your Profile Picture

  • If you log in via Facebook or Google, your profile picture will be used automatically.

  • Want to change it? No problem! Use these steps:

    1. Log in to your Stuvia profile.

    2. Go to Settings.

    3. Click “Add Profile Picture.”

    4. Select a file to upload.

Pro Tip:
If you have a personal logo or represent a company, use your logo to make your profile stand out!

3. Add Study Details

  • Include your country, institution, course, and year of study. These details make it easier for other students to find and trust your profile.

By following these steps, you’ll create a professional and appealing seller profile that attracts more buyers!

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