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Promote Your Own Documents
Updated over a month ago

Boost the sales of your summaries by taking marketing into your own hands! Sharing your Stuvia profile or specific documents on social media or your website can help you reach more students.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Share a link to your Stuvia profile or individual summaries on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn.

  2. Add a personal logo to your uploaded documents for a polished and professional look.

How to promote directly from Stuvia:

  1. Go to your Uploads section, where all your documents are listed.

  2. Click the circle with three dots next to the document you want to promote.

  3. Select “Promote” and share your document directly on two social media platforms.

With just a little extra effort, you can expand your reach, attract more buyers, and showcase the value of your work!

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