Due to European legislation (DAC7), Stuvia is required to share certain seller information with the Tax Office. Don’t worry—this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need to pay extra taxes on your earnings.
What you need to know:
We must report sellers who have more than 30 sales or earn over €2000 within a calendar year.
This is purely an administrative requirement and does not automatically result in taxes being applied to your earnings.
How Does This Affect You?
After 25 sales, we’ll remind you to provide any missing information.
After 28 sales, if the required details haven’t been submitted, your cash-out requests will be temporarily disabled.
Once you’ve provided the necessary information, all restrictions will be lifted immediately!
What Information Do We Need?
Your Tax Identification Number (TIN)
Your full name
Your address
Your IBAN or bank account number
If these requirements apply to you, we’ll send you a separate email with clear instructions. Submit your details on time to avoid any account restrictions.
Need More Information?
For additional details on this legislation, visit the Tax Office’s website.