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How Does Stuvia Prevent Fraud?
How Does Stuvia Prevent Fraud?
Updated over a month ago

We know how important it is to protect your work, and we’re committed to preventing the resale of your documents by others. Here’s how we ensure your documents are secure:

Watermark Protection:

  • When you upload a document, your name is watermarked on it.

  • The name of the user who downloads it is also added.

This ensures that if someone tries to resell your copyrighted document, buyers can immediately recognize it as plagiarized.

What to Do If You Suspect Plagiarism:

  1. Click “Report Copyright Violation” under the suspected document.

  2. Or, contact us directly:

  3. Include the document’s URL and the uploader’s username so we can take swift action.

Want to Learn More?
Visit our Copyright Center for detailed information on how we protect your work and prevent plagiarism.

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