Follow these steps to learn how to upload and sell your documents on Stuvia. Prefer a video tutorial? Check out the Stuvia Seller Tutorial: Selling on Stuvia.
Create an Account
Go to (make sure to adjust
to your country’s code if needed). Once registered, complete your profile by adding your university and study program.Start Uploading
After completing your profile, click the green “SELL” button to start uploading. Choose the document you’d like to upload and specify the subject. Save your entry and proceed to the next steps.Complete Document Details
Fill in all relevant information about your document. Be sure to click all “Save” buttons, as changes won’t be recorded otherwise. Providing a precise description will help others find your document more easily.Promote Your Document (Optional)
Once all steps are completed, you can promote your document by sharing it on Facebook or Twitter. While not required, sharing it in a relevant Facebook group at your university, for instance, could increase your sales.Receive Payments
Now just wait for your sales! Once you’ve earned at least €/£/$10 or R200, you’ll be able to withdraw your funds.