Oh, no! We’re really sorry to hear the document or package didn’t live up to your expectations. While we wish we could hand-pick the best documents for you, Stuvia is a platform where students share their own work, and we have over 3 million documents available. That’s a lot to review!
But don’t worry! If you’re not satisfied, you might be eligible for a refund through our satisfaction guarantee. To qualify, make sure of these things:
Your purchase was made within the last 14 days – Unfortunately, we can’t process requests for orders older than this.
You haven’t downloaded the document – Once a document is downloaded, it’s no longer refundable.
The seller didn’t already mention the missing info – If the description clearly stated what’s not included, it doesn’t qualify for a refund.
If you meet all these criteria, great! Simply go to Stuvia.com/refund, follow the steps, and we’ll take care of it. Just make sure you’re logged into your Stuvia account to access the form.
Still not sure? We’re here to help! Feel free to reach out to our support team if you have any questions.