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Why Can't I Log In to My Stuvia Account?
Why Can't I Log In to My Stuvia Account?
Updated over a month ago

If you’re unable to log in and keep seeing notifications that your email or password is incorrect, here are a few possible reasons:

1. Incorrect Email Address or Password

  • If you created your account using the wrong email address, you can still log in with that email.

  • Once logged in, go to “Profile Settings” ⇾ “Edit Profile Settings” and update your email to the correct one.

2. Requested a New Password but Still Can’t Log In

  • If you’ve requested a new password and still can’t log in, your account may be disabled or deleted.

  • Contact our support team for assistance—they’ll help you reactivate your account if possible.

3. Account Disabled Due to Fraud

  • If none of the above apply, your account may have been permanently disabled due to fraudulent activity. Unfortunately, logging in to that account will no longer be possible.

Need Help?
Reach out to our support team:

  • Live Chat: Use the chat option in the bottom-right corner of the Stuvia website.

We’re here to help you get back on track!

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