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How Can I Increase My Sales on Stuvia?
How Can I Increase My Sales on Stuvia?
Updated over a month ago

1. Focus on Quality
Create summaries with care and professionalism. A clear layout, well-structured content, and easy readability make a big difference. Aim for a higher standard than you would for personal use—buyers will notice and appreciate the effort!

2. Optimize for Search Engines
Add the book title, ISBN, and other relevant details to your description. This improves your summary’s visibility in Google searches, helping more students discover your work.

3. Promote on Social Media
Share your Stuvia profile and summaries on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Post your profile link a week or two before exams to catch students when they need study materials most. Don’t forget to share your summaries in any study groups you’re part of for extra exposure!

4. Bundle Your Documents
Combine related summaries into a bundle with a fixed price. Bundles offer extra value to buyers and can significantly boost your sales.

By following these tips, you’ll make your documents more appealing and visible, helping you reach more students and increase your sales!

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